216DB61 HESG324063R100J

Based on the information provided, here is a general overview of the potential product details for the ABB reference “216DB61 HESG324063R100J”:

Product Model:
The “216DB61” may be a product family or series identifier, while “HESG324063R100J” seems to be a specific model or variant code. However, without official ABB documentation, I cannot confirm the exact model name.

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Based on the information provided, here is a general overview of the potential product details for the ABB reference “216DB61 HESG324063R100J”:

Product Model:
The “216DB61” may be a product family or series identifier, while “HESG324063R100J” seems to be a specific model or variant code. However, without official ABB documentation, I cannot confirm the exact model name.

216DB61 HESG324063R100J

Product Parameters:
The specific parameters (e.g., electrical ratings, operating conditions, etc.) are not known without a datasheet or technical specification. ABB products typically have detailed parameter information provided in their official documentation.

Product Specifications:
The specifications (e.g., material composition, environmental ratings, accuracy, etc.) are also not known without referring to the official ABB product documentation.

216DB61 HESG324063R100J

Dimensions and Weight:
The dimensions (length, width, height) and weight of the product are typically provided in the product’s datasheet or specifications. Without this information, I cannot provide exact figures.

ABB products often feature high reliability, durability, and compatibility with other ABB components and systems. However, the specific features of this product depend on its intended use and application.

Without more context, it is difficult to determine the exact function of this product. However, based on the naming convention and the presence of “HESG” (which could refer to a high-efficiency switchgear or a similar component), it may be part of an electrical distribution system or switchgear assembly. ABB’s switchgear and electrical distribution products are used in various applications to safely and efficiently distribute and control electrical power.

Application Areas:
ABB’s electrical distribution and switchgear products are widely used in industries such as power generation, transmission, and distribution; industrial automation; building automation; data centers; and other critical infrastructure applications. The specific application area for this product depends on its intended use and integration within a system or facility.

To obtain the exact details for the “216DB61 HESG324063R100J” ABB product, including the product model, parameters, specifications, dimensions, weight, features, functions, and application areas, please refer to the relevant ABB product catalog, datasheet, or technical specification. ABB’s official website and customer service may also provide you with the required information.


216DB61 HESG324063R100J


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Phone:+86 18150087953 / +86 18005022138